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Sunday 28 February 2016

Botanic Gardens of Glasgow: Winter/Spring 2016

I thought I'd do a less specific post, about one of my favourite things to do in the winter here in Glasgow.

Botanic gardens were a new concept to me, coming from Suffolk. I had seen the giant greenhouse at Jeffson Garden in Leamington Spa when I used to live nearby, but I had kind of thought it was a one off. Besides, that was far more modern than the dome-like white cages of victorian design that I've seen in Glasgow.

The fisrt Botanic Gardens I visited was the Winter Gardens at the People's Palace on Glasgow Green. A colleague and I often walk around the green in our lunch break, for the freshest air you can achieve in an inner-city. This time, we ventured into the peoples' palace (it appeared to be free, and we're people right?) and I wandered towards a bright doorway. What I found within was absolutely amazing, to me at least!

Glasgow's tallest palm tree, I'd imagine by quite some margin!
Despite the bitter cold, it was a beautiful sunny day, and I found myself in a huge dome, full of living things glowing green in the bright sunshine. The atmosphere was deliciously warm and a little damp, and I stared in wonder at the exotic plants on display. Ginger plant! Coffee bushes! Passion fruit and Palm trees, all under one stunningly beautiful roof, in a slightly grotty park in Glasgow.

We made a habit of visiting this secret warm paradise, cheating the coldness for a few sweet moments, and more frequently than not toasting the occasion with unremarkable cake and tea from the teashop inside the Garden,


The other botanic garden I have (just this weekend) enjoyed, is Glasgow Botanics, in the West End. I've run through the park or visited it with friends on a number of ocassions, but it's never occurred to me to go inside, until this weekend.

I have only been inside the main dome, and although it doesn't boast a teashop or a giant palm tree, there is an impressive Koi pond!

I was hypnotised by the giant fish for quite some time, before moving into the main dome, which is full of statues, and exotic foliage. There was the warm steamy atmosphere again, and I also noticed a series of mirrored plates suspended from the ceiling, I assume to maximise sun exposure for the plants.

Next time you're thinking of a 'birdcage theme'
for your home decorating, go this bit further.

And they told me I couldn't get locally sourced bananas!
 That's about as far as my adventuring got this weekend! Hopefully next weekend has something a little further from the beaten track in store :)

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