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Monday 21 February 2022

Dunedin Beaches

 Twice this week I have had the amazing experience of achieving holiday vibes in my own hometown. 

On Sunday Michael and I had a great time bodyboarding. The water was clear and tinted azure blue. The sun was shining and there were no crowds. We cought an awesome wave together, but moat of all I enjoyed watching the texture and colour of the waves as they broke and rolled. Fear stopped me from getting out in the water for most of my life, and I am perpetually amazed as I discover what I was missing out on. 

This morning I went for my second Tuesday sunrise walk with Richard, a friend and ex-colleague of mine. Richard has a gorgeous golden retriever called Jess, so here are some photos of her and Athena at the beach.


and finally, Jess running across the beach in my favourite photo of all: